Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences

Reclaiming the right to music storytelling: how network technologies can help

What if, instead of just looking at a seismograph, we could listen to earthquakes in the form of a live flute performance? In other words, can we make music from the oscillation of a specific place on Earth? In a world premiere at the 2023 Internet2 Community Exchange, Dr Domenico Vicinanza, music composer and Senior Research Engagement Officer at GÉANT did just that. He mapped data in real time from the seismographic activity at Yellowstone...

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E-infrastructures Earth Sciences

A new Supercomputer that predicts weather patterns and anomalies

A new Supercomputer that predicts weather patterns and anomalies Can you imagine a supercomputer powerful enough to make accurate predictions of high-impact weather up to two weeks ahead, of large-scale patterns up to four weeks ahead, and even global-scale anomalies up to a year ahead? The new High-Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) is developed to do just that! A very...

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Earth Sciences

GÉANT and EUMETSAT: weathering the storm of big data

Where would we be without weather forecasts? Aside from sunstroke and soggy shoes, imagine being a pilot about to fly transatlantic? Or a farmer planning which crops to sow? Imagine life as an oil rig engineer, a traffic controller, or even a tour operator? It would be unfathomable. Thankfully, we have the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) – a global operational satellite agency at the heart...

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Earth Sciences

How GÉANT is helping Copernicus observe earth for a better future

How do we tackle overpopulation? Do we have enough natural resources left? Is climate change reversible? Will French fries soon become a luxury only a few can afford? These are the questions Europe’s scientists are working hard to answer. Okay, maybe not that last one, but the truth may not be so far-fetched. Changes in our ecosystems are making their mark on our everyday lives; from the availability of potatoes and dwindling fish stocks, to...

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